The kids have only six days of school left for the year (they would have eight except we are taking them out of school two days early to go to Milwaukee). We are leaving for Milwaukee on June 3rd and will be there until the 10th. Many people to see, many things to do. Among them, we are planning a trip to the zoo and have tickets to a Brewer game. As all the kids will be together for the first time in awhile, we'll also be doing the family picture thing.
Ian's soccer team this year had their best season yet with a record of only one loss and one tie, the rest were wins! They played great. Ian improves with each year. Taryn has also finished her soccer season and loves her second trophy. The Kickers league doesn't really keep score or keep track of who wins or loses, but she still has a great time playing. Next fall, I believe she will start in the under 8 league and then things will get tougher!
As for the summer, I am looking forward to no Cub Scouts, no Girl Scouts, no soccer. Ian will have Scout Day Camp in June, and we have signed him up for a Blast Off to Space camp in August with the Mad Science organization. Taryn has been signed up for an Adventure camp with the city Parks Dept. in July. We also have the Movie Magic at the theatre to look forward to. The local movie theatre shows a different kid movie every week (rated G or PG) for free. The only thing you pay for are concessions. So, that will help occupy their time.
Harrison will be going to his Mother's Morning Out program in the summer for the first time. They have never run a summer program before. He will go Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 1pm. This will give me a small break from having all three at home, and on days when one or the other is at camp, will put me down to one kid for a few hours. I will enjoy the break as Ian and Taryn tend to fight obsessively. He will start this program full-time (4 days a week) in the fall.
Taryn will be moving into 1st grade and Ian into 5th grade in August. One more year for Ian and he will be in middle school. Where did the time go?
The nicest thing about the summer will be less driving around. Gas prices here are insane and our gas card bill last month was over $600! We could buy another with that money. But then we'd need to spend more gas! LOL!