Sunday, October 26, 2008


I made the kids put on their costumes the other day so I could get some pictures. We always seem to get lost in the moment on Halloween and never get any pictures. Taryn picked out a red velvet queen costume. Rob calls it the "Queen of Hearts." How appropriate for her.

Your majesty!

She's so coy!

What a look! This picture makes me dread the teen years.

Harrison wanted to be Tow Mater. LOL! He's been wearing this all over the house.

My cutie pie.

I'm still alive!

How embarrassing to find I haven't posted in over a month. Where does the time go? Well, soccer season started for both Ian and Taryn and that leaves me running to soccer four times a week (two games and a practice for Ian and a practice/game for Taryn). Monday night, Tuesday night, Thursday night, and Saturday morning, with Wednesday night for Cub Scouts and every other Tuesday night also with Girl Scouts. Add in a PTO meeting and an HOA board meeting here and there and things get busy pretty fast.

Otherwise, we're doing okay. No big illnesses so far, knock on wood, and we've all had our flu shots except me and I get mine this week.

Karyl tagged me to post the sixth picture in the sixth folder in my picture files, so I'm putting that here:

This was two Christmases ago when we had a photographer come take pictures at the house. Obviously no one was paying attention in this one as Ian is about the only one looking at the camera. And you can tell this is an older picture because Harrison is so much smaller and it is before Taryn cut her hair.