Sunday, December 14, 2008

Taryn's Christmas program

The first graders at Taryn's school got to participate in a Christmas program on December 2nd. They got to wear their pajamas and sing songs, dancing and clapping, and swaying to the music. The only pictures I could get were while they were all sitting prior to beginning since we sat too far away from the action.

She was having a ball. I can see why she is always saying she wants to be a singer or be a movie star. She loves to be on stage and the center of attention.

Avast ye mateys!

I took these pictures of Harrison while we were at Taryn's school for her Christmas program. He was hamming it up for the camera. His pirate look was hilarious.

Then there's his finger on the mouth, contemplative look:

And finally, the talk to the hand look:

What a clown!

And her wish came true!

Taryn's second front tooth on top has fallen out! Now she can truly sing like Alvin! She sounds funny with a little bit of a lisp, but it's endearing. She was so excited.