Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunburn in March?

So, Taryn and I had to work a booth selling Girl Scout cookies for her troop at Wal-Mart yesterday from 9am to 12pm. It was supposed to be a nice day, high of around 78, but I didn't expect to have any problems early in the day and I thought the sun would be blocked by the building behind us. I miscalculated. The sun was shining right in our face. I conveniently had forgotten my sunglasses so I was half blind most of the time. I was sweating like a pig and spent the last hour with an empty cookie box on my head to spare me from the sun and heat.

And to top it off, I got a nasty sunburn on my arms, where the v-neck t-shirt was open, and on my face. I am as pale and white as they come. I should have run inside and bought some sunscreen. Who gets sunburned in March? Ugh!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lazy day...snow day.

After posting pictures of the snow, here's pictures of the kids lounging. Ian, as is typical, retreated to his room. But Taryn and Harrison sat down in the game room to watch a movie together...rare peace that was short-lived.

My little angel.....Smile Taryn!

He loves to ham it up for the camera. That is a better smile than the grimace I usually get.

Monday, March 2, 2009


So, already this year we had school canceled twice for snow. Both days made me very mad because there was hardly any snow as you can see from the pictures below. Yes, these pictures are from the last day they actually canceled school here for weather. It was ridiculous. I believe it was February 4th, which was my birthday, as I was very unhappy to have kids home all day when I thought I might get to relax a bit.

Now, these are pictures I took this morning of the snow. I'd say we got a little over three inches maybe. Certainly not the upwards of eight inches they had predicted, but I could see them canceling school for this as they don't plow down here. In any event, the kids are home again and driving me crazy!
The first picture is the house across the street as viewed from my front door.
This is a picture of up the road taken from my front porch.