Sunday, November 18, 2007

Another Saturday down the drain

Saturdays are supposed to be for relaxing, napping, taking a break from the normal hustle and bustle of the week, right? Not around here it seems. Taryn had her last soccer game today at the same time Ian had to be out at church for Scouts to go collect food for their food drive, so Rob and I had to split up. I took Ian and he took Taryn. While at the church, I started copying the bulletin. To my utter astonishment (note sarcasm here), the copier at church would not cooperate with me again. This time, however, not only did it eat my paper but it was completely out of toner. I mean, bone dry. I shook that cartridge about 10 times and managed to eke out a few more copies, but that was was empty. So I ended up leaving what was left for the clerk tomorrow who is picking up another toner cartridge. Ugh!

Ran an errand or two and came back home to wait for Ian. I needed to go to the grocery store but wanted to make sure he got dropped off so I waited. Never did get to the store. I had to start cooking macaroni and cheese and cornbread for Ian's soccer banquet that began at 4pm. In between all that, I cleaned all three bathrooms and the kids helped clean up the toys in the left, very begrudgingly I might add. Rob even pitched in (gasp!).

Went to the soccer banquet. Got out around 5:40pm, ran to the shoe store because Ian and Taryn needed new shoes. Dropped the kids off at the movies at 6:05pm to meet Jen, Susie, and Marc, and took Harrison to Target with us for some more quick shopping. Then home to a mess again. There's dishes in the sink, which I should be doing right now, more laundry to do, toys all over the floor, I haven't typed the minutes from our HOA board meeting over a week ago yet, and I've got Girl Scout stuff to get done. ARGH!!!!!

The title of my post is another Saturday down the drain, but it should be that every day goes down the drain. I need a vacation! Calgon take me away!

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