So, I am back from our trip and a harrowingly busy week. We returned last Sunday from the Grand Cayman. We had a good time, but Rob and I both agreed that we preferred the island of St. Thomas, which we visited last year for this trip. The Grand Cayman is a very flat island with little character. It's still beautiful and tropical, but St. Thomas was much more picturesque. There's a few pics from our trip above. I don't know why it won't let me put this text above the pictures, but it's really annoying. In any event, the first three pictures are of Rob, Rob and his dad, and then the fish they saw snorkeling right off the beach by our hotel. There was a reef there. The fourth pictures is of the Charlotte office group and their wives. Gary (sales), Brian (sales), Jerry, Rob, and Mike.
The fifth picture is of the back side of our hotel where our room was located. We were on the fourth floor. The next picture was the sunset the first night we were there, as seen from our balcony. The seventh picture being the view from our balcony during daylight hours. And the last picture as one Rob snapped in George Town in the shopping area where Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville was located. The shopping was disappointing if you ask me.
After we got back Sunday, I played catch-up for a few days before undergoing some minor outpatient surgery on Thursday (female stuff I won't go into on here). I am recovering nicely and was back to running around and meeting a friend for lunch on Friday. It helped to get a nice afternoon nap and some Percocet on Thursday afternoon.
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