It was pointed out to me tonight by my husband that I haven't posted on here in awhile. But it's the summer and there's not been a whole lot to report. The kids have been taking private swimming lessons again with a lady from our ward. She also teaches in the YMCA swim program and is very good. Taryn has improved a lot this year and Ian is doing very well when compared to the boy who wouldn't put his face in the water.
Harrison continues to attend his "playgroup" on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9am to 1pm. They've even taken a field trip to the movies to watch Bee Movie. I hear he behaved better than he does when I take him to the movies...thanks, Harrison.
Taryn is attending an Adventure Camp with the City of Rock Hill Parks Dept. this week. She goes every morning from 9am to 12pm. The last two days they have spent the morning learning about different animals and sea creatures and making a bunch of neat crafts. She's having a blast!
Ian is just bored all the times. His friends can't play when he wants them to or I don't let him play often enough, and he is nowhere near earning enough money for an Xbox, which he wants really, really bad. Thanks, Uncle Dave for getting him hooked on that. LOL!
I find that the calendar once again starts out pretty empty for a week and rapidly fills up. I took a Pilates class yesterday for the first time (had two free sessions I had bid on at the Silent Auction for the kids school in May). Wow, is that hard. I'm sure you eventually get better at it, but I have muscles hurting today that I didn't know I had and I told the instructor I felt a lot like I was trying to pat my head and rub my belly at the same time. There's so many things you have to remember all at once. I am going back next week and I may continue with it, if I continue to feel that it's doing some good. It definitely worked my obliques are killing me today.
I haven't taken enough pictures of the kids lately, but I'll try and remember to get some new shots and post them on here. Later!