Saturday, July 19, 2008

Rob's new vehicle

Rob has got a new vehicle...well, a used, new vehicle. The Jeep was never really a practical vehicle for us to begin with and has become less practical as the years went on, so yesterday he went and got a 2005 Volvo S80 T6, whatever that means. I think the "T" stands for turbo, though why he would need a turbo charged vehicle escapes me. It is nice, though, and not a bad price for the car. Here's some pics of the kids enjoying daddy's new vehicle.

1 comment:

Karyl said...

Why do they all look carsick in the first picture? Is Taryn sleeping? Sweet car, my Dad had one and I loved it (not that I lived with him when he had it, but I rode in it and even drove it a few times).