Harrison is constantly falling down, running, falling, hurting himself, etc. Yesterday, while running to get into the house after we picked the kids up from school, he tripped on Ian's feet near the door to the house in the garage and hit his face on the metal part of the step leading into the house. The result is what you see above. He has a fat lip that was hard and swollen and bruises and red marks from where he hit. Poor little guy.
Hi Diane! Poor Harrison. I sympathize with the little guy..because I am a klutz too lol
My mom says I never grew out of the awkward stage, which started when I was about 12..going strong for 40 years now lol
Hello! Thanks for the invite. What a sweet face Harrison has - banged up or not. Your family is just beautiful, Diane. It sounds like you & Rob have your hands full but it also sounds like you're doing a great job! Your life sounds like mine - run, run, run, rush, rush, rush. I must say though that the older they get the more of a balance I find. I'm learning to say NO!! Not always easy but I went back to work part time two years ago and it's become a necessity. The kids don't seem to mind at all. Didn't mean to write a book but it's been too long.
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