Christmas was crazy as usual. The kids devour their presents as soon as they are allowed to open them. I woke them up at 8am (yes, that's correct, I woke them up) and made them come down to eat something. Of course, no one was hungry. Harrison did eat one powdered donut and drink a little milk, but the other two had basically nothing. Grandma and Grandpa Neville arrived and all they cared about were the presents.
The opening commenced. Overall, I think they were all pleased with their gifts. Ian especially who proclaimed, "this is the best Christmas ever!" Taryn got her Nintendo DS (and a total of six games I believe) and a My Twinn doll that looks like her. Ian got an iPod and the Playstation portable (PSP) he's been wanting for several years. Thanks to his aunts and uncles for iTunes gift cards. And Harrison got the Smart Cycle and the Click Start, neither of which he has mastered and he quickly became interested in lesser gifts. Nonetheless, he spent most of the day drifting from toy to toy, including those that weren't even his.
I was so exhausted I spent most of the day in the recliner, half sleeping or actually sleeping . I've come to the conclusion that giving blood on Friday must have dropped my iron level really low because ever since then I have been absolutely drained. I fell asleep in the recliner Friday and Saturday nights and could easily have gone to bed at 8pm this evening as well, even after napping most of the day. I ate some Cream of Wheat this evening to give me some extra iron and I'll swing by the pharmacy tomorrow for some iron pills.
I won't bore you with the gifts Rob and I received. As adults, they become more practical than fun, though Rob did get some GPS Bluetooth thingie, and I'm not sure what for or what it does. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas. I will add some pictures on here later when Rob has uploaded them off his camera.
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