Thursday, November 15, 2007

Jury Duty

So, I got an envelope in the mail today from the city Municipal Court. At first glance, I thought, "great, somebody is probably suing me for something to do with the HOA." Upon opening it, however, I found something even more disturbing. JURY DUTY! Ack! I have been called for jury duty once before when Taryn was a baby and I was able to get out of it because I was nursing and the daytime care provider. That was also for the county, not the city. I have a feeling I won't get out of this so easily. However, I have a GYN appt. that week and I am not missing it for takes months to get an appt. And I have to pick kids up for school every day so I cannot be there at 2:30pm. Ugh. I do not need this hassle right now.

1 comment:

Karyl said...

I got out of my last jury duty, which was expected to be about a month to two months (attempted murder of 2 cops), because I had tickets to come visit you. I've never, knock on wood, had to actually sit on a jury. Good luck.