Sunday, November 18, 2007

Weight loss sucks

I went on the low carb thing for two weeks solid and did a pretty good job considering I cannot stand vegetables. It was hard to cut out some things I love, but I lost about seven pounds in the two weeks. This was in addition to about four or five I had lost prior to that just counting calories. However, I am now at a standstill. I am neither going up nor going down.

It should not be fair that in order to be "thin" and "healthy" you have to deprive yourself of the smallest joys in life, such as macaroni and cheese, Ben & Jerry's cinnamon bun ice cream, Jen's cookies, and oh yeah let's not forget pumpkin bars. I mean, geez, it's the holidays. Mashed potatoes, green been casserole, crescent rolls. Can't have any of that. I'll be eating dry turkey and dry turkey.

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