Monday, March 2, 2009


So, already this year we had school canceled twice for snow. Both days made me very mad because there was hardly any snow as you can see from the pictures below. Yes, these pictures are from the last day they actually canceled school here for weather. It was ridiculous. I believe it was February 4th, which was my birthday, as I was very unhappy to have kids home all day when I thought I might get to relax a bit.

Now, these are pictures I took this morning of the snow. I'd say we got a little over three inches maybe. Certainly not the upwards of eight inches they had predicted, but I could see them canceling school for this as they don't plow down here. In any event, the kids are home again and driving me crazy!
The first picture is the house across the street as viewed from my front door.
This is a picture of up the road taken from my front porch.


CJ said...

Happy Belated Birthday :)
I am surprised they canceled school for the first picture too. Reminds me of growing up in CA were they did not have any plows in our town. If we got tiny little snow flakes that did not even stick to the ground everyone was excited and when they actually got 2 inches of snow people did not know how to drive in it.

Karyl said...

Sounds like you guys got off easy. Other places are getting hit really hard. Don't go too crazy.