Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spring begins....

So, the soccer season has begun. Endless practices, games, running around. Only two months until our trip home to Milwaukee and school letting out. No cub scouts, no girl scouts, no soccer, no school...sweet blessed sleep. Can we make it until then?

Report cards came out yesterday. Ian got all A's except his behavior grade (same as last quarter) because he can't seem to stop talking to his friends in class. He got a B for that. Taryn is progressing nicely and her teachers are impressed with her desire to read. She brings home books often to show off her skills. They only get checks and dots for their report card, but she is doing well.

This Saturday is Ian's writers' conference in Columbia. We are driving down tomorrow and spending the night in a hotel to make it a special experience for him. Just him and mom and dad. We'll take him out to dinner, too.

Harrison and Taryn are both on medication for sinus infections and Taryn has apparently caught a virus as she is home sick today with a stomachache and a 102 degree fever. Harrison went to the doctor today for an itchy rash all over his upper body that they claim is his eczema, though it looks nothing like his normal eczema.

And so spring calendar is full, my cup overfloweth. LOL! If I can make it until summer, it will be a miracle!

1 comment:

Karyl said...

Nice to see an update! :) Don't you love the springtime illnesses that attack your family? It will all be over soon and you can enjoy your summer. Wish Ian luck from us and tell both Ian and Taryn congratulations for the great report cards.